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My name is Peter Jackson. I am a nutritional therapist and I operate a clinic behind my health shop in the centre of Knowle, just south of Solihull. From here we have clients from surrounding areas in Warwickshire and the West Midlands.
I have been involved in the natural health business since 1980 and in that time I have written many reports on ways of keeping healthy with natural nutrients and food.
In 1992, after some extensive overseas travel, I began to experience the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. In those days it was called ‘spastic colon.’
I was unable to get help with my doctor at that time and the condition progressed until it was difficult for me to do my normal work.
Luckily for me one of my customers in Holland was an experienced naturopath and he had started to get some success with similar conditions as mine by using a combination of gentle fibre and what we now know as probiotics.
His combination overcame my symptoms and not long after I got back to normal.
To cut a long story short, I developed a product along the lines of the ingredients that had helped me and launched my own version around the year 2000.
Over the next 11 years, I established this product in over 20 countries and throughout the UK. In that time I became an expert in gut health, written many articles and publishing a book and a number of booklets.
In 2011 I sold this business and rather than retire early, I decided to go back to college and become a nutrional therapist. I did this at the College of Naturopathic medicine.
I purchased a health shop in Knowle during this time, and then I qualified in 2014 and opened a clinic behind the shop.
In my earlier career, I had spent much of my time working in Germany and I was very conscious of the amazing work the German naturopaths did with Bioresonance. Information on this therapy is given on this web site.
I had been considering purchasing a Bioresonance machine for some time but was hesitating due to the up-front cost.
Then something happened that accelerated my need for Bioresonance!
I have a house in Devon where my wife spends most of her time. I was paying a visit and arrived one Friday night when my wife was out. Ever present was my lovely dog Archie who greeted me with great affection, as always.
It was natural to return the affection which ended up us both rolling around the floor together (as you do).
After that I settled down and my wife came in later only to tell me to keep away from Archie because he had been on Dartmoor (a hotbed for tics) and after reversing out of one bush emerged covered in insects which my wife thought at first were ants. (there were so many she had to hoover them off). Further investigation revealed that these creepie crawly things were tics.
Due to my experience as a therapist, I was fully aware of the existence of Lyme so I then checked myself from top to bottom and could not find any evidence of tics or bites. I then I relaxed a little and on Monday we took Archie to the vets where it took 2 hours for them to remove the large number of tics that were embedded in his flesh.
His personality did change and sadly he was never quite the same afterwards. He died around 3 years later.
For my part I carried on as normal until around 6 weeks later I started to get what I can only describe as very mild seizures. I didn’t connect these with a possible Lyme infection until one day in the shop I experienced a more severe seizure where the left side of my body froze, almost as if I had had a stroke.
An ambulance was called and whilst I was having all the tests done in the hospital a little light went on in my head. I suddenly realised that these symptoms could be typical of a Lyme infection where the infection had got into my central nervous system.
On leaving the hospital with a clean bill of health, I realised that I had to embark on my own health journey.
How I got a Lyme infection is still a mystery to this day. What I do know is that tics are very clever and can get on your clothes and infect you days later. They can almost hibernate on a bit of clothing without breathing properly for hours on end so they are ready to pounce when you put the clothing back on (assuming they haven’t been in the wash).
I recently saw some recommendations that if you have been out country walking in long grass or wooded areas, particularly in areas where deer are present, when you get home you should strip off completely and put all your clothes in a hot drier for 10 minutes or so to ensure any tics are killed and are not present to latch on to you later.
I remember peeling off an unusual scab from the back of my leg around 2 weeks after my embrace with Archie. I really believe that a tic had remained on my clothing and got to infect me some time later. It is possible this is where the tic had latched on and was able to remain there unnoticed. I never saw evidence of a bullseye rash.
I won’t go into great detail about my Lyme journey but I was lucky in the sense that I got it early (many people I treat have had it for years without knowing due to misdiagnosis). Even then it took me over a year to overcome most of my serious symptoms.
On working out for myself that I had Lyme, I then decided to go and see a Bioresonance therapist in the UK for a couple of reasons.
Firstly in my opinion, the best Bioresonance equipment is German. I was aware that German naturopaths had far greater experience in dealing with Lyme than practitioners in the UK and that Bioresonance was a major part of their Lyme protocol.
Also, I wanted to know what infections I had. I never forget going to see one practitioner in Devon who listed all the Lyme and co-infections I had after testing. I was quite shocked to see the long list that appeared. It is quite staggering how one small tic can impart so many infections.
However the most important thing to me was that I now I had a list of what I was dealing with. I could now draw up a plan accordingly.
This is what is so great about Bioresonance. You can test for frequencies in the connective tissue, beyond the blood.
I then knew that I had to invest in Bioresonance both to treat myself but also to enhance the scope of my clinic.
Since that time Bioresonance has become a major part of my practice both for diagnosis and treatment alongside the more traditional use of supplements, herbs and diet.
Being a natural practitioner is extremely challenging but enjoyable. To be a good practitioner you can never stand still - you need to be looking to improve all the time and that means keeping up to date with the latest research and learning from the best.
I’m never happier than when I am listening to or attending webinars that break new ground using natural therapies where real benefit can be offered without side effects.
I suspect you are on your own health journey at the moment otherwise you would not be reading this. If so, and you are not happy with the treatment you are being offered or you are hitting a ‘brick wall’ I hope that this might be the catalyst for us to meet.
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